Camera: Kodak Retina II type 014 (circa 1946-1949)

Style: Folding 35mm rangefinder with leaf shutter
Metering: n/a
No self timer
Flash: cold shoe, PC socket in lens.
Lots of mechanical interlocks, so be careful. Can only collapse when lens is focused at infinity. Combined viewfinder/rangefinder. Knob advance and rewind. Crack in viewfinder winder. Shutter release doesn't always work (the pin the arm pulls is bent down slightly), but can manually release shutter if necessary. Manually reset counter by pushing in and rotating wheel on back of camera.
Instruction manual: Butkus
More info: Dante Stella
Clayton Rye
Lens: Rodenstock Heligon 50mm f/2 with Compur-Rapid leaf shutter
Shutter speeds: 1 - 1/500 second plus bulb
Filter threads: 29.5mm (?)
Close focus: 1 meter (marked)
Aperture range: f/2 - f/16
Aperture blades: 10 blades.
Depth of field scale for f/2 - f/16, IR index.
These photos were are all taken with TMax 100.

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