Style: medium format TLR (120 film only)
Metering: n/a
Film reminder for 10 - 400 ASA.
Self timer.
Flash: cold shoe, PC socket.
Focusing knob is on the right side (from photographers point of view), opposite of most TLRs. Advance knob instead of crank is a bit slow and cumbersome. You also have to manually cock the shutter, and the D has no double exposure prevention, which can be a feature or an annoyance. I have trained myself to always advance the film right after shooting but not cock the shutter until I am ready to take the next photo. There is supposed to be an interlock on the film advance to stop you when you hit the next frame until you press the button in the center of the advance knob. However, it doesn't work on my sample.
Instruction manual: Butkus.
Taking and Viewing Lens: Yashikor 80mm f/3.5
Shutter speeds: 1 - 1/500 second plus bulb
Filter: Bayonet I i.e. B30
Close focus: 3.3 feet / 1 meter
Aperture range: f/3.5 - f/22
Aperture blades: 10 blades (!)
Depth of field scale for f/3.5, f/5.6 f/8, f/16, f/22. No IR index.
Love that this doesn't have the 5 aperture blades most TLRs have...I should use this camera more just for that reason.
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