Filter size: 43mm (I've adapted this to 46mm)
Close focus distance: 1 meter or 3.3 feet.
Aperture range: f/2.5 - f/16, click stops every half stop
Aperture blades: 10
Depth of field scale for f/4, f/8, f/11 (ticks but not labeled), and f/16

This lens is great.
It seems plenty sharp for me, (modulo the difficulties of getting accurate focus from a rangefinder when focusing close with fast lenses, especially since I am using it with an external finder, which will probably cause me to shift the distance from the camera to the subject slightly unless I am using a tripod). I am thankful that Voigtlander offers inexpensive alternatives to expensive Leitz lenses.
It is a small lens, but well made, with a satisfying heft. It includes a screw-in hood and a nice slip-on, felt-lined aluminum lens cap. Focus is smooth and well damped like my favorite AI/AI-S Nikkors. I wish it took 46mm filters. I bought a 43mm - 46mm adapter for mine. Half stop clicks on the aperture sort of annoy me.
This lens was discontinued with the introduction of the 75mm f/1.8 (Leica M-mount only), so if you think you might be interested in an inexpensive, tiny medium telephoto for your screw mount Leica (or M or NEX via adapter), you might want to pick one of these up before they become unavailable. That said, the 90mm f/3.5 APO is a more standard focal length for Leica lenses.
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Tested on a Sony NEX
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